How Long Does It Take To Learn English?

It can seem like an impossible mountain to climb to learn a language. The terrain is not too bad at first, but as you ascend, it gets more challenging. What is the actual length of time it takes to learn English? How long does it take to become a proficient English speaker, specifically? For the solutions, continue reading.

How Long Does It Take To Learn English?

How much time should you allot to learning English properly given that it takes a lot of perseverance and effort to perfect reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills?

You need roughly 120 hours to advance from one level to the next, claims English UK, a trade organization for language colleges.

On the other hand, Cambridge ESOL thinks that it takes somewhere around 200 hours to noticeably improve.

Although it is difficult to determine exact numbers because students learn at varying rates, the following is a European framework for guided learning hours for adults:

  • Advanced Beginner (A2): 180-200 hours
  • Intermediate (B1): 350-400 hours
  • Middle-Higher (B2): 500 – 600 hours
  • Advanced (C1): 700 – 800 hours
  • Proficiency (C2): 1000 – 1200

Children typically pick up a foreign language much more quickly than adults do, even though it is true that adults take some time to become fluent in English. Before you’ve even completed the third chapter of your workbook, they’ll probably be speaking with English-speaking friends. Read: Is It Difficult To Learn English?

Factors To Consider

How long will it actually take then? Who you ask will vary. Each level of English fluency typically requires 120 hours of study, according to English UK. However, according to Cambridge ESOL, each level takes closer to 200 hours.

The degree to which you will find English difficult depends on a number of factors, experts generally agree.

How Similar Your Native Language Is To English

You’ll probably learn English quickly if you speak German, Spanish, or French! But learning English will be much more difficult for you if you speak a language that is very different from English, especially a language that is not a Romance language (like Chinese, Japanese, or Arabic).

What Other Languages You Know

No matter what your native tongue is, learning English won’t be nearly as challenging if you already speak languages other than your own. This is because you’ve already given your brain the tools it needs to learn new linguistic patterns.

In other words, after learning one new language, picking up additional languages is simple. Even better would be if the language(s) you learned were related to English.

How Much Time And Money You’re Able To Invest In Learning

You will learn English much more quickly if you spend six or more hours a day studying it than if you only put in an hour or two. You can greatly speed up your learning process by spending money on language classes or better study tools!

How Dedicated And Motivated You Are

You won’t likely succeed if you don’t have a clear end goal or aren’t all that interested in the language. It’s important to have a goal (or series of goals) to help you along, and it’s even better if you can find ways to love learning English.

how long does it take to learn english

Your Everyday Exposure To The Language

You will learn English more quickly if you are exposed to it more frequently each day. Start incorporating English-language content into your daily activities if you’re finding it difficult to progress. Find an English YouTube channel to subscribe to, listen to English-language music, and read or stream movies on Netflix!

How Effective Are Your Learning Tools And Methods Are

You’ll retain so much more information if you use the best tools at your disposal and learn how it best suits you! I advise doing some research on learning styles so you can choose your studies more wisely based on your personal learning preferences.

How Old You Are

Adults generally learn languages much less successfully than children do. In general, their brains are better at learning new things than adult brains, which generally have more trouble learning new things.

My recommendation is to take advantage of your youth while it lasts if you want to keep getting better at English and are still young. Don’t give up, though, if you’re an adult learning English: You can still improve and even hone your language abilities! Just a little bit longer.

Tips To Learn Fluent English In A Short Time

Have Discipline

Reaching a goal requires discipline, and developing a habit requires practice. You could schedule a certain period of time each day, for instance, to study your English notes. The ideal situation would be to wake up early in the morning when the house is quiet and peaceful because time is more effectively used then.

Additionally, study productivity and attention span are at their highest during this time. Try to start studying when everyone is asleep if you can’t rise early.


When possible, it’s a good idea to write down the daily tasks that must be completed in a visible location. When some of the tasks are completed, those completed should be crossed out to encourage study.

Setting priorities is crucial. Establish what is most important and what can wait. Set aside time during the day to study. Consider studying a responsibility, and allot daily time for it.

Expert Advice

To learn English more quickly, you can use any of the advice available. But if you want to learn faster, it’s best to work with professionals.

Set Goals And Objectives

Sometimes students fail to meet their objectives; this is mainly because they lack discipline and do not devote the necessary time to learning English. We must therefore suggest remedies, such as advancing in the levels, scheduling the necessary time for that, and doing whatever happens.

The commitment we make to ourselves to consistently work on mastering a new language is a big part of learning. The amount of time it takes to learn English fluently will depend on your motivation and level of interest.


You’ll only feel more pressure and become frustrated if you concentrate on how long it takes to learn English. Keep in mind that mastering a language effectively and thoroughly is more crucial than learning it quickly. You can learn English more quickly using the techniques listed above.

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