12 Computer Science Jobs: What You Can Do?

The field of computer science is growing in popularity among students hoping to find a well-paying job after graduation because employees who know how to create and improve software are highly marketable in today’s economy.

A degree in the discipline of computer science enables one to pursue a variety of careers, not just in Silicon Valley. The field of computer science focuses on the study of computer hardware and software systems. Computer science majors have a variety of employment options.

You can choose from a list of 12 computer science jobs in this article.

Reasons To Pursue A Computer Science Career

The lure of high salaries should not be used as an excuse for those who don’t have a genuine interest in technology to pursue a computer science degree. Many people work in programming for financial gain rather than because they enjoy it.

Programming is only enjoyable for those with a knack for solving problems; not everyone has that incredibly analytical kind of mind.

A computer science degree can be used in many different fields, though. You can choose the career path you want to take because programmers are needed in every industry.

You could, for instance, work in fashion for Warby Parker while developing software, or you could work on (artificial intelligence)-related projects for Google. If cars are your thing, you might write the software for their vehicles while working for a major automaker. The options are limitless.

What Computer Science Skills Should You Need?

Being skilled at problem-solving is essential when working in a field that adapts and changes frequently. There will be times when your code’s unit test fails or you have a lengthy sprint before achieving your next objective.

It will be helpful in these circumstances if you are adaptable and have the ability to solve a pressing issue.

computer science jobs you can do

When considering skills for jobs with a computer science focus, critical thinking is probably one of the first things that come to mind since many of the roles in this industry involve a lot of screen time, number crunching, and code testing.

Someone in this field must be able to comprehend all aspects of a problem and analyze and edit data mechanically.

However, having a creative streak will also enable you to embrace your position fully. The desire to come up with novel, exciting approaches to problems is absolutely essential for producing excellent computer science work once you’ve mastered the analytical side of the equation.

Jobs For Computer Science Majors

Software Developer

On various devices, including computers and mobile devices, software developers create software programs that let users carry out specific tasks. The entire process of developing, testing, and maintaining software falls under their purview.

Software developers must possess the technical creativity necessary to find original solutions to problems. They must be proficient in the computer languages that are used to create program code.

Gaining the necessary knowledge and insight about how the software works from end users will require effective communication skills.

The employment of software developers was predicted to grow by 22% between 2019 and 2029, which is much faster than average for all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), with a median income of $107,510 in May 2019.

AI Engineer

AI (Artificial Intelligence) engineers design, develop, and test computer systems with the intention of imitating human intelligence in those systems.

This position requires a deep understanding of software development, linear algebra, probability, and statistics in addition to strong programming skills.

Video Game Developer

These programmers are the unsung coding heroes of the games you enjoy playing in your spare time. To create playable games, they conceptualize with other developers and code on a variety of platforms.

The success of this role depends on your ability to conceptualize both plot and design as well as your storytelling abilities. In addition to knowing the programmatic language, it is important to have a vision and strategies for carrying it out effectively.

Database Administrator

Administrators of databases examine and assess the users’ needs for data. They create and enhance the data resources that are used to store and retrieve important data.

To fix any database issues and adapt systems to changing user needs, they need the problem-solving abilities of computer science majors.

Computer Hardware Engineer

Circuit boards, routers, and memory devices are just a few examples of the components that computer hardware engineers are in charge of designing, developing, and testing.

Computer hardware engineers require both creativity and technical know-how. For them to develop hardware that can support the newest software and applications, they must be voracious learners who keep up with changing trends in the industry.

Computer hardware engineers must have the tenacity to repeatedly run thorough tests on systems to make sure the hardware is operating as it should.

Computer Systems Analyst

Computer systems analysts evaluate an organization’s computer systems and suggest modifications to the hardware and software to increase the productivity of the business.

Computer systems analysts must have strong interpersonal skills because the position necessitates frequent communication with managers and staff. Systems analysts must be able to persuade management and staff to use technological solutions that satisfy organizational needs.

To keep up with technological trends and investigate cutting-edge systems, systems analysts must also possess a strong curiosity and a desire to learn new things constantly.

computer science jobs you can do

To recognize what is best for the whole organization, systems analysts also need business skills. Business analyst and business systems analyst are two similar job titles.

Web Developer

Web developers are computer programmers who focus on coding, designing, and creating the structure of a website.

This position requires a working knowledge of Javascript, HTML/CSS, and other programming languages. Working on projects with other designers requires collaboration skills and knowledge of graphic design, among other things.

UX Designer

For users of a specific platform or product, UX designers are responsible for developing meaningful and pertinent experiences. Your love for your favorite apps’ interfaces is in part due to them.

Your ability to communicate your design vision to your team will be greatly aided by your understanding of programming and computer systems. It also helps if you have a strong understanding of user empathy, which enables you to see the product from the perspective of the target market and make adjustments.

IT Project Manager

A company’s IT goals and initiatives are managed by IT project managers, who are also responsible for planning and budgeting.

Strong leadership abilities are essential for this position. As the IT project manager, your duties will include managing a team as well as directing, selecting, and making decisions that are in the best interests of everyone involved.

Systems Architect

Systems architects conduct a comprehensive analysis of an organization to determine how to implement the best IT strategy for the objectives of their department. To produce the best possible experience, they define and design the system’s architecture.

Ability to critically assess a business’s goals and determine the volume of resources it will need from all angles is necessary for success as a systems architect. Furthermore, it’s advantageous to be able to analyze, evaluate, and translate customer needs.

Mobile App Developer

In contrast to web developers, mobile app developers specialize in designing, coding, and testing mobile applications.

In addition to the fundamentals of strong analytical abilities and coding knowledge, it’s advantageous to be familiar with both programming languages—Java for Android devices and Objective-C for iPhones—for variety’s sake.

Information Security Analyst

System protection for websites and networks from cyberattacks and other security lapses is created by information security analysts. In order to foresee issues and install systems to address them before they arise, their duties also include investigating data security trends.

In order to investigate breaches, ascertain their causes, and modify or repair security systems, security analysts also need to have strong problem-solving abilities.

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